Brett Brenneman
Age: 23
Voice: Tom King

Meet Brett
Brenneman, a 23-year-old slob who still lives with his
parents in an average suburban neighborhood. Brett's pretty
content with his dull life which mainly consists of working
in the local supermarket from 9 to 5 and watching TV at night,
but sometimes he dreams of leaving his boring surroundings
to seek adventure. His dreams might come true one night
when a woman and one-eyed alien pick his back yard to make
a rather improvised landing.

Cpn. Jane Anyway
Age: 38
Voice: We're still looking!
Jane Anyway doesn't care much about captaining. She
doesn't really care much about anything, except her looks.
She also cares very much about her favorite soap opera, which
she always tapes in case she can't be there to watch. It's
understandable that her crew isn't exactly motivated which
has resulted in numerous failed missions in the past. People
don't call her starship the 'USS Unreliable' for nothing...

Lieutenant Krod
Age: Unknown
Voice: Michael Atherton
Krod is a one-eyed pilot on board USS Unreliable; at least
he's supposed to be. He never managed to land his shuttle
flawlessly, but at least he manages to get it off the ground.
His lack of depth perception isn't helping him much
either. A decent crew is hard to find, especially on board
a ship with a rather dubious reputation.

James 3000B
Age: 4
Voice: Peter Edge
3000B is a discarded android who used to be the janitor
aboard spaceship USS Unreliable. His services are no longer
required since captain Anyway bought the latest model, the
Andrew 5-SE. Now James is stored somewhere aboard the ship
collecting dust. James was made somewhere in China (so the
label on his butt says) where his programmers made one tiny
mistake: programming him to be allergic to dust. Not
very logical considering his profession.

Age: Unknown
Voice: We're still looking!
is the owner of 'Khad's Diner', a greasy truck stop
where the filthiest alien truckers hang out, having
a break from their transportation businesses. Khad has seen
a lot during his career and nothing impresses him anymore.
Although he has the looks of a tough guy not to be messed
with, he is quite easy-going and has a good sense of

'Iron Arm' Kradek
Age: Unknown
Voice: We're still looking!
is a tough trucker, the kind you better leave alone
if you have any sense. His cargo mainly contains sheets
and other laundry, which he carries from the dry cleaners
to the detention center (or jail, if you prefer) and vice
versa. He's also known as 'Iron Arm' because the bones
in his right arm are replaced with iron pins after
an accident he had years ago. You'll often find Kradek hanging
around at Krod's Diner, which conveniently lies on
his route.

Age: 5
Voice: n/a
would be the Brenneman family cat. She doesn't
trust Brett, especially when he's getting too close to her
food. Don't make her mad: Her paws are sharp as
razors and she guards her food with all her seven lives!
characters coming soon!